The Prime Minister of Malaysia already announced that the flight MH370 had ended in the southern indian ocean. A remote location, with a sea wave of 20-30m high, and no nearby island for emergency landing.
The authorities expect, there is a very slim chance of survival.
My condolence to their next of kin & Al-Fatihah to all Muslim passengers.
Based on newspaper info, there are 15 on board covered by Prudential Malaysia. Prudential Malaysia will pay the insurance covered amount & is ready to release the reimbursement cheque immediately.
Bayangkan jika anda salah seorang dari penumpang MH370 yang telah berakhir, berapa yang anda telah tinggalkan kepada ahli keluarga @ orang2 di belakang anda?
RM20,000...? RM100,000...? RM300,000...?
Cek polisi insurans anda / tanyalah Ejen Insurans anda sekarang.
The authorities expect, there is a very slim chance of survival.
My condolence to their next of kin & Al-Fatihah to all Muslim passengers.
Based on newspaper info, there are 15 on board covered by Prudential Malaysia. Prudential Malaysia will pay the insurance covered amount & is ready to release the reimbursement cheque immediately.
Bayangkan jika anda salah seorang dari penumpang MH370 yang telah berakhir, berapa yang anda telah tinggalkan kepada ahli keluarga @ orang2 di belakang anda?
RM20,000...? RM100,000...? RM300,000...?
Cek polisi insurans anda / tanyalah Ejen Insurans anda sekarang.