The Best In Asia

The Best In Asia

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Insurans Tipu...[3]

Insurans Prudential ada masalah...? Insurans tipu lagi ke..?
Tak mungkin...

Dapat mesej Whatsapp dari Client saya hari ni;
"Bang, saya x jadi buat MRI Scan hari ni, sebab insurans Prudential ada problem sikit..."

Terkejut saya dapat mesej ni. Terus saya call client saya berumur lewat 20-an.
"Kenapa, hospital cakap Prudential x nak bayar ke?", kata saya...

Client jawab; "Bukan Bang, sepatutnya saya dimasukkan ke wad di hospital pagi ni, tapi pihak hospital kata ada masalah dengan insurans Prudential... Katanya pihak Prudential argue kenapa Client nak dimasukkan tanpa ....... bla bla bla...? Pihak hospital kena jelaskan dulu melalui borang jawapan kepada Prudential..."

"Kalau begitu, ini bukan isu Insurans Prudential yang bermasalah. Sebaliknya, ia hanya satu dari tatacara kerja dalam kes nak claim dari Medikal Kad Prudential sahaja. Perkara ni biasa (normal case)", kata-kata terakhir saya.

Monday, 26 May 2014

Thomas Cup 2014 - 22 Years have past & still waiting...

I watched the final game of Thomas Cup last night. Malaysia fought well. We gave Japan a hard time to win.
They won the Cup for the first time in their history & the history of World Badminton. Congrat The Blue Samurai!

However, thumbs up to Malaysian Badminton Squad as well. We showed Japan how good our fighting spirit was. We were not an easy team to beat. The chance to win the Cup is 50-50 last night, but luck was not on our side I guess.

Let's look forward as a promising badminton team in future. 22 years have past. Let us build a stronger team for the next Thomas Cup in 2016! Malaysia Boleh!!!

We must understand that in life, not everything is always on our side. It goes the same with my  insurance work. Sometimes, I was almost there to close a new insurance case. The chance looked good, 70-30.

Eventually, the said case failed at the very end of the long road. I accept it. I understand, not every case is always on my side. In this insurance field, sometimes luck was not on our side as well.

No issue on that, because I understand as taught... Some WANT, Some WON'T, So WHAT? Next...! 

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

25' Celcius

It was cold last weekend, around 25' measured by my Samsung Galaxy S4 ( during daytime.

I had no appointment last weekend. What a waste. I guess potential Client / existing Client of mine would love to sit down & discuss about anything during this cold weather, if appointment were successfully made & kept.

El-Nino is coming soon. Hot weather!
Not sure whether any Client would like to sit down & meet me during this hot period in Malaysia.

*What is El Niño?
Every two to seven years, a warm current of water replaces the usual cold current of water off the west coast of Peru, South America. This observed oceanic phenomenon is called El Niño. This warming is now known to occur over a wider area covering the central and eastern Pacific and has linkage with the occurrence of some major unusual weather conditions in different parts of the world like severe floods and prolonged droughts. In Southeast Asia, Indonesia and Australia, drier than normal conditions occur whereas central and eastern equatorial Pacific is unusually wet.
Typically, El Niño lasts between 6 and 18 months. It usually develop in the middle of the year, peaks towards the end of the year and declines by early part of the following year. El Niño of the same intensity may not give rise to exact replicate of climate patterns.

*Read more about El Nino at

Monday, 12 May 2014

A hectic Sunday, 11th May 2014.

Yesterday, I left home at 8am & reached back home at 10pm.
Sometimes this is a normal routine for me as an agent.

My schedule was;
8am - 12pm : Monthly Agency Gathering
2pm - 4pm : Meeting Client in Ampang Point (collect docs to claim for an accident case)
5pm - 7pm :  Meeting Client in Taman Saujana Impian, Kajang (deliver insurance policy)
8pm - 9pm : Visit Client in Hospital KPJ Kajang (son admitted due to viral fever attack)

That was part of my jobs as an agent, since the very first day. 
Insurance career is a business based profession. Sometimes people (even people who want to become an insurance agent) do not understand that.

I understand & I won't let my business down.

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Ejen Insurans Menjanjikan Pendapatan Tinggi [3]

Mungkin ramai yang tidak tahu, selain dari komisen insurans setiap bulan, ejen juga layak untuk mendapat bonus berasingan.

Awal tahun ni kali pertama saya dapat bonus dari Prudential... tak banyak, bonus cuma 4 angka sahaja nilainya. Happy jugaklah sebab hasil kerja keras selama ni.. ingatkan dapat sekali sahaja bonus 4 angka ni, rupa2nya, akan dapat lagi sekali bulan 7 tahun ni.

Di Prudential kita panggil Persistency Bonus. Dibayar 2 kali setahun untuk 2 tahun berturut2!

Dapat lagi sekali bulan 7 nanti.. Saya hanya mampu tersenyum.. Alhamdulillah.
Maka memang betullah kerja Ejen Insurans ni, boleh dapat income yang tinggi.

Baru tahu rupa-rupanya, senior insurans saya (Introducer yg bawa saya masuk ke bisnes insurans Prudential) dapat 5 angka bonus bulan Januari yang lepas.

RM XX,XXX dia dapat?
Patut dia "lagi lebih senyum" dari saya!