The Best In Asia

The Best In Asia

Monday, 30 November 2015

25' @ 9am, 30th Nov 2015 - Yus Jambu Passed Away

It was a cold Monday morning today...

25' in KL @ 9am.
I still felt the pain in my right knee as I stood up in KTM Komuter today, heading towards KL area.

I heard latest news via radio today, Yus Jambu Maharaja Lawak died due to heart attack.
I do not really follow his update but I used to watch him perfoming via astro channel.

Yus is definitely a good comedian & actor.


Friday, 27 November 2015

15 September 2015 - MVA

A date that will always be remembered.

I met an accident. We call it MVA in insurance term @ known as Motor Vehicle Accident.

4 inches cut below my right knee & knee ligament injuries.
8 days in the hospital & about 2 months of rest & rehab required.

Not many of my friends & clients know about this.

I accept it as part & parcel of life.
A soft reminder from The One maybe.

Alhamdulillah - Kembali Bekerja

Syukur kepada Allah...

Minggu lepas sudah start balik... berehat panjang kerana eksiden motor & operation lutut.

Pening sikit nak re-tune the mood & pace.
