The Best In Asia

The Best In Asia

Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Welcome Ramadhan 2016

Thanks God...
Ramadhan is just around the corner.

I like Ramadhan as a holy month. Full of goodness & rewards.

Ramadhan always test my patience. Especially about my takaful sales throughout the month.

Marhaban ya Ramadhan Kareem!

Friday, 27 May 2016

Terima Kasih Prudential


Prudential Malaysia is paying a gratuity benefit to all its agent in Malaysia. Already implemented.

Mungkin Prudential adalah the first insurance/takaful company yang ada faedah gratuiti.
Apa yang lebih menarik, bukan sahaja ejen full time, part time ejen pun dapat juga!

Terima kasih Prudential!