Assalam & a very good day.
Thanks God I still have some times to write down something at this blog. I breathe the fresh air you gave, I walk on the ground you created, I used the energy given by you to keep on going & live my life to the fullest...
To me it is still a tough journey ahead, but the challenges for the past 3 years (involvement in insurance), will be remembered. Doing an insurance agent job, is like doing any typical "conventional" business out there(even though I think insurance business is much much easier than the conventional business).
Nothing is easy in life... In order to get something, you must sacrifice certain things. If you want extra, you must spend a little bit more. As nothing is free in life...
I made up my mind to join the business somewhere in 2010. The "will" to be in this business is pending since 2002, the year I took my first prudential life insurance policy from an unknown agent.
In 2010, I could only say I just started a business when friends asked. Sometimes I did not even mention the type of business to others, since I was still new to it.
This year 2013, I can be proud of myself. I have no shame or regret to say that I am involved in Insurance Business. I am with Prudential Insurance.
Saya rasakan, itulah antara situasi hijrah dalam hidup saya. Kerana 3 tahun lepas, saya buat keputusan untuk tidak tangguh lagi & mesti mula dapatkan sumber pendapatan dari alam perniagaan, walau dengan apa cara sekalipun.
Bagaimana dengan anda?
Thanks God I still have some times to write down something at this blog. I breathe the fresh air you gave, I walk on the ground you created, I used the energy given by you to keep on going & live my life to the fullest...
To me it is still a tough journey ahead, but the challenges for the past 3 years (involvement in insurance), will be remembered. Doing an insurance agent job, is like doing any typical "conventional" business out there(even though I think insurance business is much much easier than the conventional business).
Nothing is easy in life... In order to get something, you must sacrifice certain things. If you want extra, you must spend a little bit more. As nothing is free in life...
I made up my mind to join the business somewhere in 2010. The "will" to be in this business is pending since 2002, the year I took my first prudential life insurance policy from an unknown agent.
In 2010, I could only say I just started a business when friends asked. Sometimes I did not even mention the type of business to others, since I was still new to it.
This year 2013, I can be proud of myself. I have no shame or regret to say that I am involved in Insurance Business. I am with Prudential Insurance.
Saya rasakan, itulah antara situasi hijrah dalam hidup saya. Kerana 3 tahun lepas, saya buat keputusan untuk tidak tangguh lagi & mesti mula dapatkan sumber pendapatan dari alam perniagaan, walau dengan apa cara sekalipun.
Bagaimana dengan anda?