A Happy new year to all my clients, blog followers & readers.
2013 has gone. Now it is 2014... Have you reviewed & analysis your past year 2013? Any new achievement for you or your family? Have you increased something personally? :)
Or was it (2013 performance) static without further new enhancement in life?
Most of us aware that 2014 will be a challenging year for most Malaysian... The government has reduced a small amount of petrol subsidy, causing spike in most other sectors (food, service, utility, goods, etc.). If your salary stay static, you will feel the pain. Our personal purchasing power has become smaller.
Depending on your monthly salary, the effect might be minor to you, but for those with lower income grade, they might feel a major impact.
Many people including friends & some of my clients, complained & expressed their anger due to this. Of course we have the right to complain. We vote during the last election, and the current Government won. Current government is ruling the country due to election victory. Of course people are expecting something good for them & the "rakyat".
However, in this world, I believe personally, we are "easy to complain" but we are "not easy to accept" changes. Especially "changes" that do not favour us. People are "easy to complain" about something but they are "not easy to change" something about themselves. True...?
To me, we must understand that certain things do change/increase in life. Some other things may not increase, in fact going down obviously. But we tend to forget. We prefer to complain/condemn more.
I believe if you could condemn other people/party since they are not favouring you, can you condemn yourself as well (based on what you had done during earlier years to upgrade yourself?) If you expect others to favour you, have you favoured yourself first by taking extra effort personally to improve/change (mentally, physically & financially?)
Saya masih ingat dalam tahun 2008, saya bekerja dengan syarikat telekomunikasi tempatan, gaji tidaklah besar, tetapi disebabkan berlaku sedikit peningkatan kos sara hidup pada masa itu termasuk kenaikan harga minyak (disebabkan peningkatan mendadak harga minyak dunia), saya juga mengkritik kerajaan. Tapi saya bukan hanya kritik, saya juga bertindak/berusaha pikirkan cara bagaimana saya boleh meningkatkan diri saya juga.
Akhirnya saya ambil keputusan dengan menerima tawaran bekerja di luar negara dengan gaji jauh lebih tinggi... saya berusaha & pilih untuk tambah pendapatan.
Ekonomi berubah, teknologi berubah, kerajaan mungkin berubah/diubah. Apapun, pendapat saya; lebih baik kita berusaha mengubah diri kita terlebih dahulu, daripada kita mengharapkan orang lain berubah untuk kita... InshaAllah.
Selamat Tahun Baru kepada semua!
2013 has gone. Now it is 2014... Have you reviewed & analysis your past year 2013? Any new achievement for you or your family? Have you increased something personally? :)
Or was it (2013 performance) static without further new enhancement in life?
Most of us aware that 2014 will be a challenging year for most Malaysian... The government has reduced a small amount of petrol subsidy, causing spike in most other sectors (food, service, utility, goods, etc.). If your salary stay static, you will feel the pain. Our personal purchasing power has become smaller.
Depending on your monthly salary, the effect might be minor to you, but for those with lower income grade, they might feel a major impact.
Many people including friends & some of my clients, complained & expressed their anger due to this. Of course we have the right to complain. We vote during the last election, and the current Government won. Current government is ruling the country due to election victory. Of course people are expecting something good for them & the "rakyat".
However, in this world, I believe personally, we are "easy to complain" but we are "not easy to accept" changes. Especially "changes" that do not favour us. People are "easy to complain" about something but they are "not easy to change" something about themselves. True...?
To me, we must understand that certain things do change/increase in life. Some other things may not increase, in fact going down obviously. But we tend to forget. We prefer to complain/condemn more.
I believe if you could condemn other people/party since they are not favouring you, can you condemn yourself as well (based on what you had done during earlier years to upgrade yourself?) If you expect others to favour you, have you favoured yourself first by taking extra effort personally to improve/change (mentally, physically & financially?)
Saya masih ingat dalam tahun 2008, saya bekerja dengan syarikat telekomunikasi tempatan, gaji tidaklah besar, tetapi disebabkan berlaku sedikit peningkatan kos sara hidup pada masa itu termasuk kenaikan harga minyak (disebabkan peningkatan mendadak harga minyak dunia), saya juga mengkritik kerajaan. Tapi saya bukan hanya kritik, saya juga bertindak/berusaha pikirkan cara bagaimana saya boleh meningkatkan diri saya juga.
Akhirnya saya ambil keputusan dengan menerima tawaran bekerja di luar negara dengan gaji jauh lebih tinggi... saya berusaha & pilih untuk tambah pendapatan.
Ekonomi berubah, teknologi berubah, kerajaan mungkin berubah/diubah. Apapun, pendapat saya; lebih baik kita berusaha mengubah diri kita terlebih dahulu, daripada kita mengharapkan orang lain berubah untuk kita... InshaAllah.
Selamat Tahun Baru kepada semua!
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