The Best In Asia

The Best In Asia

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

"Saya Jarang Sakit"

Pengalaman bekerja sebagai ejen Prudential kadang-kadang melucukan. Adakalanya menghairankan. Saya tidak pasti samada pengalaman berikut yang akan dikongsi lucu @ hairan. Bagi saya mungkin kedua-duanya sekali.

Sekitar awal tahun 2011, pernah saya menghulurkan "flyer" Prudential semasa saya di booth Hospital Bersalin Pusrawi, Kota Damansara, Selangor. Ada seorang gadis sedang duduk berseorangan. Saya berjalan menuju kepadanya sambil menghulurkan flyer saya. Jelas di wajahnya kelihatan sedikit rasa tidak selesa.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

My Feeling - Unimaginable

The path: Semenyih - Phileo Damansara - Johor Bahru - Cheras.

1. Insurance Presentation was done to my client in Semenyih long ago, in 2010.
2. His case (child protection plan) submitted to Prudential in Phileo Damansara Office immediately & approved few days after.
3. My Client's Child met an accident in Johor Bahru few weeks back.
4. Submitted by hand the Reimbursement Claim Cheque to my Client in Cheras during lunch hour today, 8 Dec 2011.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

"No thank you, I have got insurance..." PART1

Many people I met claimed they have got theirs. This is good. Most of them have got theirs.. If not mistaken, most people are afraid of insurance or when they hear somebody is going to present them something related to insurance. :)

However, human beings tend to do mistake. Normal people would make mistake sometimes. In insurance field, few people made mistake (maybe a huge number made mistake). Why I say so? Because they do not fully understand how the insurance would help them. Insurance has different function, and it serves different needs. At the end of the day, the final insurance proposal/plan depends on the customer's understanding & needs.