The Best In Asia

The Best In Asia

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Tough Days Ahead.

While I am trying to finish the year with the best result, it will still a tough road for this year 2015.

Approximately 4 months without a full swing activity this year, I pray for a miracle to happen next year.

I want to hit the bonus level as an agent. That is my ultimate target every year.
I used to hit it. And I want to reach it again by God willing.

Yes you can Ikhwan!!!

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

New Case - Where Are You?

I am searching for new case with good TPC.
I have submitted 1 new case & will secure inshaAllah another 1 soon, but both are low TPC cases.

O big case..., where are you???
God helps me.

Susah Senang Ejen Insurans [1]

Ejen perlukan sales (jualan). Jika tiada jualan insurans, maka ejen tiada pendapatan.

Utk dapatkan sales, ejen perlu bekerja. Macamana kerja ejen?

Kita perlu berkongsi dengan orang ramai tentang kepentingan insurans & bagaimana insurans / takaful boleh membantu.



Ejen Insurans Menjanjikan Pendapatan Tinggi [7]

Selepas raya yang lepas, dapat 1 mesej dr client Prudential saya dari awal tahun 2014.

'Bang, nanti kontek kakak saya ya.. dia plan nak amik insurans.."

Saya senyum dan mengucapkan syukur ke hadrat Ilahi.
Kadang2 rezeki insurans ni tidak dapat dijangka.

Betapa susahnya kita bekerja di booth insurans, tegur orang & cuba berkongsi kebaikan.
Kadang2, tiada siapa yang layan. Kita sebagai ejen tetap senyum & teruskan perjuangan.

Alih2, Client sedia ada yang promote kita pada bakal client baru.

Monday, 7 December 2015

Last Quarter 2015 Prudential Challenge

Does it look nice?

I pray it will be mine.
By God Willing.

Last MAP Day of 2015


Dapat hadir gathering agensi semalam, Ahad 6 Dis 2015 di Prudential Training Academy Ampang.
Yang terakhir tahun ni. Hadir dengan terhencut2 sikit...

Kontrol kaki yang eksiden, sekali kena menari kat atas stage depan pulak.

Eeiiiii... macam2 ler SAR Group nih!


Saturday, 5 December 2015

Prudential Booth: Poliklinik Pusrawi Kota Damansara

Sabtu 5 Dec 2015.

Masih berupaya hadir ke booth agensi pagi ni walaupun sedikit terlewat.
Flyer Prudential masih banyak.

Ada yang ambil flyer, ada yang tak. Ada yang dah ambil Prudential & ada yang dah ambil insurans lain.

Perjuangan tetap diteruskan... masih jauh.
InshaAllah dipermudahkan.

Monday, 30 November 2015

25' @ 9am, 30th Nov 2015 - Yus Jambu Passed Away

It was a cold Monday morning today...

25' in KL @ 9am.
I still felt the pain in my right knee as I stood up in KTM Komuter today, heading towards KL area.

I heard latest news via radio today, Yus Jambu Maharaja Lawak died due to heart attack.
I do not really follow his update but I used to watch him perfoming via astro channel.

Yus is definitely a good comedian & actor.


Friday, 27 November 2015

15 September 2015 - MVA

A date that will always be remembered.

I met an accident. We call it MVA in insurance term @ known as Motor Vehicle Accident.

4 inches cut below my right knee & knee ligament injuries.
8 days in the hospital & about 2 months of rest & rehab required.

Not many of my friends & clients know about this.

I accept it as part & parcel of life.
A soft reminder from The One maybe.

Alhamdulillah - Kembali Bekerja

Syukur kepada Allah...

Minggu lepas sudah start balik... berehat panjang kerana eksiden motor & operation lutut.

Pening sikit nak re-tune the mood & pace.


Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Ejen Insurans Memang Sibuk...

Dalam sejarah sebagai ejen insurans prudential, tidak pernah saya sesibuk ini sehingga tak sempat menulis & berkongsi di blog (pada bulan Ogos, hanya 1 tampalan sahaja di blog).

Melakukan kerja2 ejen ni sememangnya jadi sibuk (lebih sibuk lebih banyak rezeki masuk inshaAllah). Saya terima seadanya. 

"Ya Allah, kurniakan lah hambamu ini rezeki insurans yang senantiasa melimpah ruah... Aamin.."

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Busy Busy Busy

It was a very busy August...
I have no word to describe it.

Prolong sickness, open house, insurance claim, new prospect, my child warded, etc.

All praises to God... it was a "test" maybe.

Friday, 31 July 2015

Ejen Insurans Menjanjikan Pendapatan Tinggi [6]

Few days before 1st of Syawal, my client told me;

"Ikhwan, I plan to upgrade my policy probably in this August. I might received a new increment & the first thing I would like to do is to increase my plan protection...
I ll let you know later..."

She is a beautiful lady with a modern futuristic mind.

Sometimes, good thing happens out of a sudden.

Insurance Agent is a promising High Income career!

True Story: Critical Illness (Cancer) [part1]

Received a call from the husband of my client, few day after Hari Raya.
He was calling from KL while I was still celebrating raya in my hometown.

"My wife is suspected having a thyroid cancer..."

I was shock & kept listening to him. Few days back, I managed to visit his husband at SDMC, Subang Jaya.

"The potential was there, said the in charge doctor. We shall wait for the lab result to further confirm..."

All praises to God. He is The One that determines all. 

Thursday, 30 July 2015

Salam Syawal 2015


Kita di dalam bulan syawal. Masih terasa kemeriahan hari raya yang lepas.

Apapun sedikiti kecewa bila di awal Syawal kali ini, saya demam teruk (viral fever).
Termasuklah anak2 saya.

Kesibukan bulan ramadhan & keadaan kesihatan di awal syawal membataskan saya untuk berkongsi beberapa perkara & foto menarik di blog ini.

Sentiasa begitu (seperti tahun2 dulu). InshaAllah pulih seperti sediakala & kembali beraksi. Terima Takdir Tuhan.


Friday, 17 July 2015

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2015

Penaprudential dengan tulus ikhlas ingin mengucapkan selamat hari raya aidilfitri kepada semua pengikut, pembaca & pelayar blog ini...

Walaupun mungkin saya tidak mengenali anda, terima kasih kerana berkunjung ke blog ini & sudi membaca tampalan2 berkaitan.

Salam Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir Batin dari penaprudential.

Thursday, 16 July 2015

Indahnya Ramadhan: Berbuka di Kampung Halaman

Able to break fast 2 days back at New Horizon Garden Restaurant in Kota Bharu, with Family In Law & Uncle & Aunt family.
The Buka Puasa menu was great & very tasteful.
The price? Sorry I could not remember.

Again break fast with wife & family in Besut district. The lines of coconut trees in front of the house, that calm me all the times when I am here.


Salam Lebaran 2015

Tup tap tup dah, dah sebulan berpuasa...

Esok inshaAllah sama2 menyambut hari raya tahun ni.
Rezeki berpuasa sebulan tahun ni, solat terawih di taman puteri subang & di kampung, sama2 bertakbir esok hari...


Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Akhir Ramadhan 2015

Nak tak nak, ramadhan tahun ni makin hampir ke penghujungnya...
Cepat masa berlalu.

Sama2 kita berdoa agar kita dipanjangkan umur & dipermudahkan untuk bertemu lagi Ramadhan 2016 nanti.

*Apapun, seperti tahun2 sebelumnya, memang bukan mudah untuk saya "set" kan temujanji dengan pelanggan2 saya sepanjang bulan puasa kali ini...


Thursday, 25 June 2015

Bufet Buka Puasa Murah

Saya ada beberapa lokasi bufet berbuka, mengikut perkiraan saya, SELESA, PELBAGAI PILIHAN MAKANAN dengan HARGA BERPATUTAN.

Mungkin x ramai yang tahu & prefer tempat2 sebegini...

Biasanya ramai yang memilih hotel sebagai lokasi berbuka.

Saya pun tidak menyangka di KL & Selangor ni rupanya ada banyak lokasi2 begini. Cuma kita kenalah mencari & bertanya sikit sebanyak.

InshaAllah akan saya kongsikan secepat mungkin di tampalan seterusnya.

Selamat Berpuasa & Berbuka!

Ramadhan 2015: Berbuka Bersama Keluarga

Rezeki Ramadhan. Alhamdulillah.

Penat setengah hari mengemas barang mainan anak perempuan di bilik atas, sambil vakum & lap lantai atas bawah rumah pada Sabtu lepas 20 Jun.

Dapat tahu yang pakcik & makcik dari Bangi (Client Prudential saya), bakal datang berbuka puasa bersama di rumah.

Berbaloi rasanya bekerja keras kemas rumah & makan bersama keluarga lepas tu...

Menu biasa sahaja, tak banyak tapi memang menyelerakan!

1. Siakap Masam Manis
2. Tomyam Poktek
3. Daging Goreng
4. Kerabu Mangga
5. Kerabu Udang Sotong
6. Ulam + Budu
7. DLL...

Kuih hijau tu antara favourite saya tetapi saya lupa nama standard nya.
Oghe Klate panggil "buah kekoh cha"

Saya doakan semoga golongan fakir miskin/kurang bernasib baik juga mendapat peluang berbuka seperti saya sekeluarga di bulan ramadhan yang mulia ini. Aamin...

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Prudential Panel Hospital - Hospital Tropicana [Gangguan Makhluk Halus]

Sempat menjenguk client saya di Hospital Tropicana Kota Damansara, malam semalam..
Anak bongsunya tiba-tiba menjadi letih lesu tidak bermaya. Pada mulanya, dibawa ke Klinik Alam Medic Subang Perdana berdekatan kawasan rumah saya. Doktor disitu buat 1 referal letter mencadangkan agar dirujuk kepada pakar di Tropicana Medical Centre.

Sempat saya bertanya malam semalam kepada Client saya;
"Anak Cik Sa*** sakit apa?"

- "Entah.. doktor pun kata terpaksa monitor dahulu buat sementara waktu..."

"Demam ke?"

- "Tak juga, tapi macam gangguan makhluk halus..."

Saya hanya anggukkan kepala...
[tak mengapa lah apa pun sebabnya, janji sekurang2nya insurans Prudential Takaful dapat membantu...]

Monday, 15 June 2015

Prudential Panel Hospital - KPJ Rawang Hospital

Our newly appointed Panel Hospital.

Welcome KPJ Rawang!
May this newly appointed hospital benefits all my clients that stay nearby this territory.

Salam Ramadhan al-Mubarak

penaprudential mengucapkan Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan al-Mubarak 2015 kepada semua pelanggan & pembaca blog ini.

Semoga Ramadhan kali ini membawa lebih erti & keberkatan kepada semua...

Ramadhan Kareem.

Sunday, 31 May 2015

What is your employment back up plan? [1]

I managed to spent time today, reading few news in the Star Newspaper I bought on Saturday, 30th May 2015.

One of the news was MAS (Malaysia Airlines System), a local airlines company will be firing 6,000 (VSS) of its current employees. To me 6,000 is not a small amount in number.

I pity those who will & already listed to receive this bad news. However, as long as we are named as an employee of any companies, the risk is always there (to be fired or sack by the company) during their tough times.

Before I involve in this insurance business, I used to be listed for termination with my first local company. I faced a sudden discontinue contract situation with a multinational company when I was under employment abroad. Under another asia-based multinational company, I was fired right after 1 month contract period.

Nothing is guaranteed in this world of employment. I taste the bitterness of it. I feel shaky situation with my wife & daughter around. And what make it worse was, I had no back up plan at all in my mind.

But an unemployed situation has taught me a lot.

I have to had a back up plan. The plan must be ready if the same bad things happen to me again (and again maybe).

Do you ever think if VSS happen to you, what is your back up plan???

Open Case [the longest presentation]


Yesterday, I had a very good appointment with a very good prospect at 9am in the morning.

Never in the history of my insurance presentation (explanation to potential client), i used 4 pieces of paper & almost 8 pages of it with my hand sketch presentation. This will be my personal record of longest on-paper presentation.

I thought he would come alone, but luckily he was accompanied by his wife.
It was a presentation for 2 person instead of 1 as I presumed earlier. It took around 2 hours time.

Open Case Result:-
I have yet to close this case.
Well that was a typical challenge for an insurance agent.

Sometimes, patience always bring us nearer to a victory!

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Tanya Kabar - Melawat - Temujanji [1]

The Presiden of my resident association in Taman Puteri Subang was warded due to stone kidney few weeks back. I managed to spend my time visiting him in Tropicana Medical Centre, Kota Damansara.

Due to no cheaper room available, he was located in suite room. It cost him RM700 per night (luckily his company will pay the bill).

My intention was just visiting a sick friend/neighbour at first. In Malay we call it as Tanya Kabar untuk Melawat. It ended up differently when an appointment managed to be set for further Prudential Takaful explanation.

He did asked me question before I left the hospital;
"I am not having any personal life insurance, would you explain further to me later because I think it is a good thing..."

Well, Alhamdulillah...

Tanya Kabar & Melawat had become an insurance appointment finally.

Tanya Kabar - Melawat - Temujanji.

Sometimes, life insurance business has a suprising result!

Monday, 25 May 2015

Bolasepak & Insurans

Final Piala FA 2015: Kelantan 1 - Lions 3

Berpeluang bersama-sama 77,000 penyokong bolasepak kelantan di bukit jalil malam sabtu lepas.
Kecewa bila TRW tidak mampu menjulang Piala FA buat kali ketiga dalam masa 5 tahun.

Tapi inilah bolasepak. Ada kala pasukan yang menguasai hampir 60% perlawanan pun belum tentu akan memenanginya.

Antara video yang boleh penaprudential kongsikan untuk tatapan pembaca & peminat2 TRW yang melayari blog ini.

Tak pasti pula bila trend menyalakan lampu smart phone (video pertama) bermula semasa perlawanan bolasepak. Cantik & menarik pula nampaknya!

Friday, 8 May 2015

Cabaran sebagai Ejen Insurans

Baru sahaja follow up dengan kawan SMK Ahmad Maher, untuk tetapkan appointment insurans...

Tiba2 dapat mesej dari beliau;
"Minta maaf banyak2, saya renew balik dengan *** Takaful..."

X silap itu hari katanya nak jumpa tengok plan prudential. Gini pulak jadinya...

Saya hanya mampu tersenyum. Itulah cabarannya.
Kalau dah bukan rezeki kita, terima dengan berlapang dada...


Sunday, 3 May 2015

Apa Yang Perlu Tahu: Tentang Insurans?

Dapat 1 mesej dari seorang kawan lama semasa belajar bersama2 di SM Dato' Ahmad Maher, Kota Bharu dulu;
"awak ejen insurans dih? ada life polisi x utk umur 38 tahun bajet RM100 sebule"

Jawapan saya;
"Confirm ado.."

hmmm... masih ramai diluar sana (terutama rakan2 saya agak) yg mungkin belum punya insurans peribadi.
itu belum ambil kira berapa ramai yang tidak pasti/tidak kisah pasal perlindungan insurans/takaful utk diri sendiri/keluarga...

Saya balas mesejnya jam 1 pagi kerana baru terbaca (sibuk seharian mengemas rumah beberapa hari lepas sempena cuti panjang Labour Day).

Always feel & must be positive in this insurance business!
By God Willing, make it easy again for me this year...

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Cabaran sebagai Ejen Insurans

I thought of meeting a few client of mine during this long holiday period. If you are staying in KL/Selangor, there will be 4 straight days of not working days (Friday,1st May till Monday,4th May 2015).

I managed to set 1 appointment with 1 new potential client of mine earlier. However, he texted me this evening & said that he was on his way back to Kelantan, attending family funeral. 

While my parents in law are here in Klang Valley for few days & most of my existing clients are away from here, it is not an easy task to fulfill.

I ll accept that because it is a typical challenge for me for the past few years, when there is a continuous holidays around.

Sometimes, it is a blessing in disguise.
Life goes on...

Selamat Hari Pekerja...

Selamat Hari Pekerja kepada semua pembaca & pelanggan2 saya...

Ikhlas dari penaprudential.

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Credit Card Promotion: 20% Starbuck Discount

Not Bad...!

Even though I am not a Credit Card Agent, this latest promotion is good to be shared.

Cimb Card offers 20% price discount on any F&B at most of Starbuck outlets (if not all) from 1-30 April 2015. Luckily I hold one CIMB Credit Card.

I just gave a try few days back at Starbuck Kota Raya (if not mistaken the outlet's name is correct).

The best thing is, the 20% amount was deducted immediately on the total bill (normally bank@certain bank will rebate back the 20% discount amount they promised later, inside latest Card Monthly Statement).
Hurry up, it will end tomorrow!

*Moral of the story:-
It is always good to hold/have a card regardless of what card it is.
Be it ATM Card, Credit Card, Loyalty Card, Medical Card, etc.
Trust me!

Tegur Jumpa Minum...

Baru sahaja minum bersama seorang rakan baik semasa belajar di MRSM Pengkalan Chepa dulu.
Habiskan masa sekejap dengan Saudara Izwan Zainal Abidin di Amcorp Mall minggu lepas.

Dulu rakan bola tampar di MRSM, sekarang bekerja sebagai Manager Power Plant Company di satu syarikat berdekatan lokasi Amcorp Mall.

Saya tidak menyangka pertemuan yang asalnya minum2 sahaja bertukar ke cerita insurans prudential.

Alhamdulillah, quotation saya dah email kepada beliau.
Ada rezeki inshaAllah...

Itulah sebahagian rutin saya sebagai ejen insurans.

Monday, 13 April 2015

Cabaran sebagai Ejen Insurans

Time management is very important if you are involved in an insurance sector.

Last Saturday I was working in the morning. After lunch I had short appointment with Client in Putra Height, Subang Jaya. Then make my move to meet another old friend of mine at 5pm in Putra Walk, Seri Kembangan. I reached home at 8pm that day.

The next day Sunday, I attended Monthly Award Presentation Day of SAR Group in Phileo Damansara Office PJ. From morning till 2pm. Reach home at 3pm & spend time for a while with my beloved family. I took a nap for 1 hour, woke up & quickly prepare dinner for my daughters. Night time I made 1 urgent insurance payment (pending 3 month premium) for another client via internet banking & settled an email to Prudential BSN Takaful with regard to upgrade plan for another different loyal client of mine.


That is my life & I never regret it!

Always believe that when you do good things in life, good return will come sooner or later.
By God Willing.

Monday, 6 April 2015


Seorang Client saya dari tahun 2011 lagi, sentiasa membayar secara tunai bayaran bulanan insurans tepat pada masanya. Susah nak jumpa client macam ni kat luar.

Bulan lepas dia mesej saya tanya soalan;
Abang Ikhwan, insurans husband saya ada kenaikan ke pasal saya terima surat dari Pru? Adakah ini disebabkan kesan GST?

Jawapan saya;
Oh tidak. Kenaikan berlaku disebabkan Tabarru Fund (Dana Tabaruk) berkurang, dana yang mana semua pemegang polisi sama2 mencarum untuk sediakan dana kecemasan. Dana ini digunakan untuk membantu mana2 pemegang polisi takaful bila berlaku musibah & sebagainya.

Dana ini tiada kena mengena dengan GST...

Company Insurance vs Personal Insurance

I let go the case of my good old friend in taking up a family insurance plan. 2 main reasons;

1. In Prudential, this family insurance plan is a conventional plan (non-syariah compliant).
2. Prudential BSN Takaful does not have takaful group insurance plan at the moment.

I texted him & wish him all the best in finding the one that suits him the most.
I accepted that PruBSN does not have a correct plan for him.

Furthermore, I am a great supporter of Prudential Takaful products.

Takde rezeki setakat ini... Alhamdulillah!

Wednesday, 1 April 2015


Today in Malaysia's Calendar will be a historical day.
GST - Good & Service Tax is effective today, 1st April 2015.

Everybody is facing it... We hope there will be a good outcome after GST takes effect (by considering the bad one as well). Personally I always believe, there is no government in the world would like to do bad things to their own citizen.

Everybody is affected, including Malaysia's insurance sector.

One of my client messaged me via whatsapp this morning...
"Welcome 1hb GST 2015!"

I tried to search this date & month in 2015 calendar, but I could not find it... Haha.

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Company Insurance vs Personal Insurance

Met an old friend of mine today. Used to work under the same company with him way back in 2001, in Damansara Jaya area. We also played football together as a team.
I spent my lunch time with him at Rooftop Food Court in Central Market,KL.

Few stories came out, until a point when he asked me of the insurance sector I had involved in.
He is now 45 years old. And he has no Medical Card in his current insurance plan?!

I shared with him the importance of having an insurance policy with a Medical Card. His current company is covering him with company's insurance policy (whereby medical cost is paid by the company), which he feels that it is okay not to have a personal insurance plan in hand.

My response is very simple;
Yes your company is covering you now. Assume you retires at 55 years old. At 56 years old, you suffers a heart attack sickness & the cost is RM50,000.

Who is going to pay the bill(medical cost) at that time?

Monday, 23 March 2015

Biar Cepat Asal Selamat!

One of my friend (Prudential Agent) shared a story of another agent yesterday...

This another agent had been approached by a stranger that pick up her insurance flyer recently. This stranger was willing to pay any amount of insurance premium (monthly payment) provided Prudential Takaful will offer him the Medical Card.

When the agent started the fact finding process, later she knew that the Stranger is suffering from Kidney Failure (and spending lots of money for the sickness)...

I do not want to elaborate more, but which option as below will be picked up by you as a reader;


Friday, 20 March 2015

Insurans: Untung atau Rugi?

Saya sangat tertarik dengan slogan dari sebuah bank tempatan... Ada beberapa papan tanda yang saya perhatikan akhir2 ini, dinaikkan di sana sini di kawasan KL & Selangor...


Memang betul lah...Bukannya soal untung atau rugi.

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Insurans: Untung atau Rugi?

Bila kita ambil insurans (beli insurans), adakah kita dapat untung? @ rugi?

Bagi saya, jawapannya sangat subjektif.
Tidak semua benda kita dapat untung, & tidak semua perkara kita akan rugi.

Jawapan ringkas saya, percayalah bahawa - "BILA KITA BELI INSURANS, KITA TIDAK AKAN UNTUNG & KITA TIDAK AKAN RUGI" 

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Back in Business

I am back in business!

Awal tahun 2015 yang sangat busy & memenatkan..
Proses penyiapan renovate rumah hampir selesai & urusan mengerjakan umrah di Mekah Al Mukarramah selesai, maka bolehlah bernafas sikit...


United We Win!

Friday, 30 January 2015

Dengue Attack

Received message from my Client last night, her daughter urgently admitted at KPJ Damansara Specialist.


Her child is covered by Prudential BSN Takaful Medical Card. No worries then!

Will re-arrange my time to visit her.

credit to:

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Treatment Cost paid by Prudential

Visited my Client in Tropicana Medical Centre Kota Damansara last week. No complaint from my Client regarding the hospital & its services, except on delay Guarantee Letter matter from Prudential only.

He had been trusting Prudential since year 2010. No claim were made before, but early 2015, his time has come.

He needs to undergo an operation to remove  kind of cyst/tumor below his mouth jaw.

Initial & Final GL were released. Bill was paid by Prudential Malaysia.

Thanks for your trust in us, my Client.

Kelebihan Buat Kerja Insurans

Polisi oh polisi...

2  minggu lepas, inilah rupanya fizikal polisi (dipanggil sijil jika insurans takaful) yang ada di tangan...

Majoritinya adalah polisi2 yang approved pada tahun lepas. Tak sempat saya nak deliver lagi kepada client.

Dokumen Sijil PruBSN Takaful

Alhamdulillah, minggu lepas dah kurang sikit tingginya polisi2 tu.

Polisi kadang2 meninggi, kadang2 menurun. Bila menurun tu maksudnya, kuranglah sale kita sebagai ejen insurans dalam sesuatu masa. Bila sale turun, income pun turunlah... Naik Turun? No Problem!

Nama lagi bisnes... Insurans adalah satu perniagaan.

Saya BANGGA dengan kerjaya saya ini!!!

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Salam Maulidur Rasul 2015

Walaupun sibuk dengan beberapa aktiviti harian kita, jangan kita lupa dengan Rasul kita. Tarikh sambutan telah pun lepas, pada 3 Jan 2015 lalu.

Pada tarikh tu saya berada di Bukit Merah Lake Town Resort, Perak bersama ahli keluarga. Meraikan anak2 sebelum sesi persekolahan 2015 dibuka.

Walaupun sudah lewat, penaprudential ingin mengambil kesempatan ini mengucapkan Salam Maulidur Rasul 2015 kepada semua.

Banyakkan berselawat ke atas junjungan kita Nabi Muhammad SAW.
Saya percaya dengan sentiasa mengingati Rasul kita, inshaAllah Tuhan akan sentiasa mengingati kita juga dalam apa jua perkara.


Selamat Tahun Baru 2015

Assalam to all readers & followers of my blog...

It moves so fast... I do not even imagine it is now 2015, as I feel that a full calendar year of 2014 was so quick to me...

Anyway, I am grateful of my past 2014 performance. I hit my target for high fringe bonus from Prudential...

Thanks God! Finally it paid off...

How about you all?