The Best In Asia

The Best In Asia

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Sumpahan Kum Kum

Insurance is not just about figure. Some people I met claimed that they pay certain monthly premium, but received higher protection (in term of $) compared to Prudential. Well, every insurance company has their own package & plan. So does Prudential. It is definitely different once compared to one another. As an agent, I truly agree.

However, Insurance is not just about figure in $. Insurance has its complete cycle. When we talk about insurance cycle, it comprises of Right Plan - Hassle Free Service - On Time Reimbursement.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Semuanya kini diinsuranskan [Rumah]

Kepada yang pernah membeli rumah/merancang membeli rumah, mungkin anda tidak tahu yang sebahagian kecil dari jumlah bayaran ansuran bulanan rumah anda sebenarnya adalah bayaran untuk insurans Harga Rumah anda. Maknanya, sekiranya anda membayar RM1,000 setiap sebulan untuk rumah anda;kemungkinan bayaran ansuran bulanan rumah kepada pembiaya (institusi kewangan) sebenarnya cuma RM700 @ RM800 sahaja sebulan, manakala bakinya RM300 @ RM200 (untuk penggenapan kepada angka RM1,000) adalah insurans ke atas Harga Rumah anda.

Kenapa perlu ada insurans Harga Rumah? Sebab sekiranya anda meninggal @ hilang upaya sebelum jumlah pinjaman / baki pinjaman selesai, insurans tersebut akan membayar baki pinjaman / bayaran bulanan. Waris anda (ahli keluarga) tidak perlu bersusah payah untuk menyelesaikan baki pinjaman.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

The G Hospital: "You can go home..." EPISODE1

I can still remember, somewhere in year 2006, i just finished doing my site works in one of Putrajaya Buildings-Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan & Koperasi. The job required me to visit each floor by staircase for observation purpose. It was more than 15 level(if not mistaken) of using emergency staircase. It was very challenging & tiring.

I was thirsty right after job completion, then I decided to buy one take away Ice Tea drink (hand made). After received my order, the person who was washing dishes, stopped his work & entertained me by making the said Tea. I finished the tea, did my prayer & later drove home.